Feature Photo By: Lesley Gonzalez – A folded flag hangs under the “Thank you for Your Service” display in the Commons.
The NFL has been around since 1920. Within the NFL, people have stood up for the United States Pledge of Allegiance. As of lately, there have been several protests against the flag ever since the presidential election of 2016.
Several players have taken a knee or have put a fist in the air during the national anthem, which people have either followed or see it as a threat to America. There are many reasons behind this such as police brutality, inequality, and injustice.
According to Independent.com, taking a knee to the national anthem is not only disrespectful to Trump, but to the servicemen and women. But does Trump really respect the people serving for our country?
In early October, Sgt. La David Johnson and three other soldiers were killed in an attack that took place in Niger. The widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, sparked the internet based on President Donald Trump’s response.
Trump stated that Johnson, “… knew what he signed up for…”
Sgt. David Johnson, 25, was assigned to Third Special Forces Group on Fort Bragg. Photo belongs to U.S. Army.
Sgt. La David Johnson was a father of a six year old daughter, a two year old son, and was expecting a baby girl. His wife was Myeshia Johnson. Officials say Sgt. Johnson died on the fourth of October in Niger with three other soldiers; he was only twenty five years old.
In an interview with Good Morning America, Mrs. Johnson commented about how Trump’s response made her feel worse.
“…it made me cry because I was very angry at the tone of his voice and how he said he couldn’t remember my husband’s name…” Mrs. Johnson said.
Trump then tried to deny what he said towards the widow, but the president’s chief of staff, John F. Kelly verified that he said those words to the widow according to New York Times.
Sunny, a Vietnam Veteran, commented, “The statement that President Trump gave was uncalled for because he was rather rude, very insensitive. He should have been far more consoling, because a president that can’t be consoling like that in a situation like that is not very kosher.”
Trump later denied what he said to the widow and claimed he had evidence from the call. When Mrs. Johnson was being transported to the Miami Airport, Democrat Congresswoman Frederica Wilson claimed she was with her to meet the body of Sgt. La David Johnson when Trump called.
Army veteran Joseph Gruszeczka said, ”…He was thrown into a position he has absolutely zero knowledge of and it’s pretty easy to see he has no idea on what he’s doing…”
According to New York Times, Ms. Johnson was with Congresswoman Frederica Wilson to listen to what Trump had said to the widow over the call.
Ms. Johnson stated, “Whatever Ms. Wilson said was not fabricated.. What she said was 100 percent correct.”
The mother of Sgt. La David Johnson, Cowanda Jones-Johnson told Washington Post that Trump has disrespected her son, her daughter and her family.
Rangeview senior Marcus Hernandez who is involved in JROTC said, “I think Trump should have just respected his family and spoke to his family about their loss instead of saying ‘that’s what he signed up for’, because it’s not something you sign up for, it’s more of something of honor and he died for his country..”
Since 2001, more than 2 million American children have had a parent deployed at least once. Sgt. La David Johnson, an expecting father left behind 2 children and a wife.
Wilson told ABC, “This is a soldier who gave his life for his country. He is a hero in our minds, in our community’s minds. That is an insult to the entire Miami Gardens community, to our entire District 24, to Miami Dade County and to this nation. And I hope he did not say that to the other three families that he called.”
Rep. Tim Walz, the ranking member of the House Committee commented on Twitter towards Trump’s tweets and people who were against the widow.
Senior Stephen Chapa– also involved in ROTC –commented, “I feel like Trump’s response to that soldier that died in Africa, is what he’d view as the military as just grunts, the whole military as grunts. I feel like me joining the military scares me, cause he is using the military as expendable and as if they are nothing.”
Mrs. Johnson also brought up how she was more concerned about her husband’s death as a whole, and why they didn’t let her see what was inside the coffin.
“They won’t show me a finger, a hand.. I know my husband’s body from head to toe and they won’t let me see anything…” Mrs. Johnson stated.
According to ABC news, the other three bodies of the soldiers who got killed were recovered after the attack in Niger.
Gruszeczka commented, “…Trump himself dodged the draft on five separate occasions, yet he acts to patriotic and like he cares about the military and our vets. And then for him to go tweet about the situation… how unprofessional. I’m REALLY not surprised by it, though. Sounds like something he would do…”
Unfortunately, Trump and the Trump administration have not only disrespected Sgt. La David Johnson’s family, but also John McCain, The Khan family, and several other veterans. The families will continue to be united with each other as they shine light on this issue.