Feature Photo Provided By: Samuel Newman – Samuel Newman poses for a photo. Newman is third in his class and will be attending Colorado School of Mines this fall.
Samuel Newman: 4.739 weighted GPA, number three in his class, and future School of Mines student.
Newman is a realist about being in the top 10, “It’s nice, I feel proud about it but as far as impacting my life it’s not all that much.”
Newman has been working with Mr. Mills around the school and helps teachers and students with computers and other technical issues. He also has done a lot of the website work for the Raider Review.
Mr. Mills describes Newman as “A hard-working student that can connect with anyone he works with.”
His friends also describe him as funny, caring and a great friend. Newman has made the top 10 because of his parents and teachers.
Newman also mentions, “it kinda just happened, I took the classes that sounded good and they happened to be weighted.”
For someone who is third in his class because, “it just kinda happened,” Newman is a hard worker that helps all he can in his classes and others, for instance with the Review where he will help fix issues with the website and even write pieces throughout the year.
Newman will be a tough act to follow with the amount of intelligence, work ethic and assistance he brings to Rangeview.
The last piece of advice he has for the younger students of Rangeview is: “one thing I would like to tell younger Rangeview students is that grades and GPA don’t matter as much as you may think. Yes, it’s important to do your best in school and to keep your grades up, but that isn’t all that matters.
“Spend time doing things, taking classes that interest you, and that you can use in the real world. This may be journalism, programming, or being an intern for Mr. Mills. Regardless, it’s important to get more out of school that an ability to take standardized tests.”