Work After Work

Subway advertises the opportunity for hire on their entrance to the restaurant. Most job applications are online now.

Stephanie Pickens, News Writer

A big step in the development of teenagers is getting a job; however, it can be a challenge. As a result, it gives teens more responsibility and a bigger dip into the adult world.  


A lot of students at Rangeview have started working or already have a job. From fast food chains to retail stores, a job is a job and there’s always some learning curve, whether it’s large or small. 


“It was hard to learn because that organization is all about customer satisfaction, but from it I learned conversational skills,” said Junior Ella Wonder. Her first job was at a YMCA in Denver.


Each job teaches different skills that can be applied or used anywhere. 


Junior Elizabeth Ortega works at a Pho restaurant and works on the calls it gets. “It’s taught me how to work under pressure and to be able to organize things under that pressure. Dealing with customers and answering their calls builds social skills.” Although she does have a job, she also says that it’s not a priority since she’s still supported by family. 


In Colorado, the minimum age for working is 14 years old; however, most jobs start hiring at 16. While many jobs allow 16 year olds to work, others still require more expertise and older people. The tricky part of  getting a first job is getting the consideration to begin with. Everyone has different experiences, but applying for only one job isn’t the best plan. The chances of getting hired on the first interview isn’t guaranteed so it’s always good to have a backup plan. 


Ways to look for new jobs are searching for them on Google, as well as looking around and asking the places you go to. Getting out there and showing motivation is a big trait that can appeal to the places of interest. Since almost everything has turned digital, job applications for businesses can be found on their websites, usually under “Careers”. 


The idea of money rolling in can pull people into always wanting to work, but it can conflict with school, creating an even heavier load on students’ shoulders. From getting out late or not having as much time to work on assignments, the need to prioritize time management skills are key in balancing work and school simultaneously.


“I’m able to do work on my homework at work since I work at a desk now; the pool is very quiet and they [manager] don’t mind as long as I’m attentive,” said Junior Julia Stacks. 


Most jobs, however, don’t have freetime to do other things besides what they require. Strategies to ensure that students are balancing their school work are completing homework during your off periods or during free time before other tasks. 


Jobs are always open since places are regularly looking for new people, but spots for certain places can always close. It’s never too late to get a job and many teenagers work during the summer since it’s a popular time to get a job. A job right now isn’t as critical when young so not having one isn’t bad either.  Jobs are time consuming so not having one allows for more time to be with friends, family, and to pursue your own passions.

Ella Wonder checks her electronic schedule for work at Old Chicago on a common app many other jobs use.