Generation Next
June 1, 2020
Ola Folarin (Story by: Ruth Mesfin, Reporter)
Rangeview, as we all know, is filled with all sorts of diversity and is packed with a limitless amount of talent and potential within each and every student. Although there are many students who stand out of the crowd, one of the most noteworthy is sophomore Ola Folarin.
In her first two years at Rangeview, she has been involved in a variety of our school’s clubs and programs including unicef, leadership, BAASA (Black African American Student Alliance) and FCA. She was also a manager for our boys basketball team her freshman year, all while still taking after school CCA classes. Outside of school, she continues to strive as she helps out her community. More specifically she helps out at her church and currently is trying to volunteer at the children’s hospital.
Clearly, Folarin finds ways to always be involved inside her community, but aside from her that life, in her free time she loves to sing, dance, and also write. Anything from stories to poems, she can write about whatever crosses her mind. She is also, what seems to be, one of the most genuine people out there. She has been described as a very down to earth and outgoing person who can simply just have a conversation about anything and with anyone. She’s also been described as optimistic because as she says it, “…I love seeing the cup half full rather than half empty…”

Meeting their Freshman year during their orientation, Sophomore Yeabsera Fitsum soon became one of Folarin’s closest friends. When asked about her favorite thing about Folarin, she said, “my favorite thing about her is how she makes everyone feel comfortable… anyone can be themselves around her because she’s just a person who makes you feel safe,” she continued, “Ola is constantly there for anyone regardless of anything. She puts everyone before herself in almost every situation and she always finds a way to make [any] situation better…”
Folarin is an example of a truly genuine and caring person, but still she doesn’t let that misread others. Sophomore Gislain Nyonkah is another close friend of Folarin. When asked about his favorite thing about her, he had this to say: “she gives you the same energy you give her, if you’re chill, she’ll be the funniest person and match your energy, but if you’re [giving] negative vibes, you’ll get that back”.
After High School, she aspires to attend a Historically Black College/University(HBCU), more specifically Howard University or George Washington University. Currently, she would love to be a humanitarian, but is unclear about what field specifically. Before high school ends, she wants to leave a legacy which makes her one of Rangeview’s best examples of a true Raider.
Kaleb Negussie (Story by: Joslyn Bowman, Reporter)
Negussie is an active member in the RHS community: he is a part of National Honor Society (NHS), is Vice President of UNICEF, and is a part of LINK. Negussie says, “To me it’s important that I’m doing what I can to make a change I’d like to see within my community.”
That is why he has found a way to be active outside of the community as well. In his free time, Negussie volunteers for political campaigns as well as being involved in a medical program at Children’s Hospital known as MC^2.
In this medical program, his role is to monitor vital signs, start IVs, and help make the patients feel more comfortable. When asked why he joined the
program, Negussie said, “I applied to the program because I want to pursue a career in healthcare and I felt I needed more exposure to the field.”

Negussie has hopes of studying biology because of his medical interest, but Negussie says he’s lucky to have a family that will support him no matter what.
He is dedicated to achieving his dreams. Long time friend of Negussie, Ryan Sauerland says, “If he wants something, a job, a grade, or even some ice cream, he will stop at nothing until he gets that.”
Outside of the impact he hopes to leave on the world, he also hopes to leave a large impact on those around him.
Sophomore Kaitlyn Linza says, “Kaleb has such a big heart. His friends and family are super lucky to have someone who has their back the way Kaleb does.” She also described him as someone who can always put a smile on your face.
Negussie says he doesn’t want a legacy, but instead “If a student does have a legacy I would just like future classes to see their accomplishments as motivation rather than living in past student’s shadows.”
Not only does Kaleb Negussie have big plans, he has a big heart too.
Alex Easton (Story by: Jayah Caley, Opinion Editor)
Alex Easton, Rangeview’s very own Senior Class President to the class of 2021 has been called nothing short of amazing. Easton came into Rangeview in August of 2017 ready to “leave his mark on the school”. So far as a Raider, he has been involved with lacrosse, yearbook, cheer, and leadership.
When asked about his favorite memory, Easton said, “walking into school in the morning and seeing all of the lovely Raiders and just feeling the good energy and spirit that RHS has to offer for everyone.”
Easton is the first to volunteer to participate in any assembly game and the last to leave the building after helping clean up any event. Easton has been said to always go above and beyond to make anyone and everyone feel included in any space.
Junior,Anastasia Balabanova said, “… when I first saw him, I thought he was so loud in comparison to all the other freshmen because we were all so shy, but he was ready, not only for leadership, but to be that someone for everyone.”
Easton has said to have made connections that will hopefully last a lifetime.
“As Senior Class President, I want to make our last year the most fun, extravagant, and exciting year of our high school career,” said Easton.

Senior entails many first “lasts”: one last color dance, one last homecoming assembly, one last prom, etc. There will also be many one time events: Senior Sunrise, Senior Sunset, Senior Luncheon, Senior Split, and last but not least, Graduation. Senior class president, along with the senior leadership class play the biggest role in making these events happen, meaning Easton will be a part of many of these “once in a lifetime” memories.
Junior, Jasiri Grimes said, “I’m excited to see Alex step up into such a big position and see what he has to offer for our class.”
Easton says to have big plans for his senior year. The class of 2021 has one last year to make it their best year yet. One last year to create memories with best friends. Alex Easton has promised to give it his best effort to make everything possible.
Renee Tracy (Story by: Glenda Chiang, Reporter)
She exudes her skill and prowess in the activities she participates in, but it does not stop her into partaking in UNICEF, NHS, and FCA. She has had success in AP classes and shows her smarts humbly with kindness. She is an athlete who has experience in competitive cheer and participates in cross country and prides herself in being so. Tracy has a history with sports and no doubt about it.
“…I used to be a competitive cheerleader.” Tracy said, “You may think your average high school type of cheerleader but that is something that I definitely was not, competitive cheer is way different than high school cheer. Also cheer is a sport no matter if it is high school cheer or competitive cheerleading.”
Tracy throughout her life has been influenced by sports since the age of five and it impacted her to involve herself at Rangeview, participating in many clubs and activities.
“I know her from freshman year Cross Country.” Junior Nathan Wetzel said, “She’s nice and very hardworking, she’s kind and funny.”
The reputation that Tracy has achieved was not only by the accomplishments she gained and earned, but by how she acts around people. Unlike other people, Tracy has more of a hands on approach– with being so active in various activities in both past and present– by putting what she means into action rather than words.
“She is one of the really smart kids at our school, she works hard for everything she does and is really passionate about it all.” Junior Mary Brungardt said, “She’s been one of my friends since freshman year and she inspires me to work harder towards what I’m passionate about.”
Several say Tracy emphasizes the importance of being the person that there when someone needs encouragement. Her kindness is especially prevalent to people around her, not just her closest friends– but also just people around her in general.