Updated 2022-2023 Rangeview School Policies

September 6, 2022
With the new 2022-2023 school year, Rangeview High School has updated some of its school policies, including: hall passes, dress code, late start mondays, lunches, and the new monitoring of chromebooks.
Hall Passes
There are going to be new digital hall passes, starting as early as this month. An app, 5StarStudents, is a core piece to this development. Scanning a QR code with a phone will give students 5 minutes to leave and get back to class. Although there is some confusion about whether it is 5 minutes or 7 minutes, it is the former. There are some big concerns, including whether or not this will be enough time and if there is a backup in the bathroom for any reason. Hall passes will only be allowed twice a day, and all teachers will be expected to use this system.
Dress Code
The dress code this year is much more lenient. There are no rules regarding bare skin or lengths of shorts / skirts / dresses. They have also removed the section where if any outfit is deemed ‘distracting’ by a staff member, it must be corrected.
Some aspects of the dress code are still in effect, like enforcing the wearing of school IDs this year. No hats or headgear are permitted, unless it is for religious purposes–like a hijab–or for a special school event. No clothing with gang symbols, offensive puns/slurs, or alcohol and drugs are allowed on school property. Sunglasses are not to be worn inside; gloves shouldn’t be hanging from pockets or used as an accessory. Undergarments are also not to be visible.
No Late Start Mondays
Last semester, school on Mondays started at 8:30 am, resulting in shorter class periods. This is no longer in effect for the 2022-23 school year, as decided by Aurora Public Schools. All students are expected to come to school, on time, at 7:30 am.
Lunch Costs
Last year, lunch was free for all students in APS; this is no longer the case, and students who get lunch from school now are expected to pay. Breakfast each morning is $1.75, and lunches are $3.00. Any extras are $1.50. Free and Reduced lunches (FaRL) can be applied for at any time during the school year. Parents should apply and register at payschoolscentral.com, and if they don’t have access to the internet, should head to the Nutrition Office at 15700 E. 1st Avenue, where both front desk workers also speak Spanish.
Monitoring Chromebooks
All chromebooks provided by Rangeview this year have software installed called LineWize. Inappropriate messages are flagged and sent to administrators for review. It is not recommended having private conversations, like those between significant others, using your chromebook. Admin have repeatedly expressed they don’t want to see those kinds of private messages, so they recommend that students engage in said activity on their personal devices.
Principal Passes
There is no change for Principal Passes from the previous year. However, students should remember the criteria that goes towards receiving one, as well as the perks. Having this pass allows students of Rangeview to leave campus during the school day–freshmen are the exception to this rule and not allowed to leave. Some classes may release students with Principals Passes early if in class work has been finished. In order to receive a pass, students must have had a GPA of 2.50 or over and a 90+% attendance rate during the previous quarter.
These are the new policies for the school year. It is in question, especially regarding the hall passes, as to whether these will hold up until the end of the year.