Tuesday, September 19th of Homecoming Week was titled “Totally Tubular Tuesday,” where Rangeview staff and students dressed as matching duos or groups. The Raider Review hosted a contest asking which teachers had the best matching costumes, with twelve entries from Rangeview staff.
Voting was done through a Google Form, which got a total of seventy-one responses. With thirty of the responses in their favor, there is a clear winner. Congratulations are due to Ms. Neumann, Ms. Budny, Ms. Gunkel, and Mr. Oulman for their renditions of The Golden Girls.
2nd place goes to Mr. Elbein and Ms. Miller who dressed as the creepy twins from The Shining (1980). 3rd place also goes to a pair who dressed as The Shining Twins: Ms. Westerdale and her student teacher Ms. Edwards.
The Raider Review would like to thank all who participated in this friendly competition. The results of the competition are in a graph below: