Nail polish is a must for girls, and now, it is not only fashionable, but now it can also help prevent assaults.
Four undergraduates from North Carolina State University have created Undercover Colors to help detect the use of Rohypnol, Xanax and GHB in drinks. This can prevent sexual assaults as well as many other conflicts.
“I think it’s a lovely product. It can especially be used in places where there’s drinking, where there are predators to woman. It’s a great defense but I do think this nail polish should be affordable,” says English teacher, Eve Rutherford.
The invention even won $11,250 and first place at the Lulu eGames at the university, scoring $100,000 from an investor who saw the product demo. The males are in the process of developing the nail polish so it can be in stores.
Although women loved this idea, many got angered at the thought of testing their drinks at bars; this is not the type of world they want to live in. Also, any victim who does not use the polish can end up being criticized for failing to prevent their own assault.
This nail polish can be the new trend, not only fashionable, but helpful. We hope to see this polish in stores.
“I think it’s pretty cool because the nail polish will help you prevent your assault, yet you can look cute and match with your outfit,” says Anna Ebert.