Facebook is one of the most popular Social Media websites. A person can connect with anyone they would like to whether is be through uploading photos, commenting on status, or messaging friends, but what happens when Facebook use becomes excessive at school? At Rangeview, Facebook is no longer accessible on the network.

It started in the middle of the 2013-2014 school year. Assistant principal, Biaze Houston, commented on this new policy.
Houston stated that the idea to block Facebook originated from the Administration staff. Facebook was blocked because there were so many students using the school’s connection for Facebook that when teachers and staff tried to get on, the bandwidth would be at its full capacity and the internet would be very slow. Some staff did not even have access to the internet.
Also, according to Houston, along with a lot of other social media, Facebook is a base for bullying. Many people would bully each other and by the way Facebook is set up, bullying becomes easier. There are surely other social media sites that students can use for cyber bullying, but Facebook was the one with the easiest access.
“There is no proof of students improving grades or having less drama since the policy, but one thing is for sure, there is a better internet connection,” says Houston.