Feature Photo By: Izzy Honey – Junior Caleb Calkins attempts to pin his opponent. Rangeview beat Westminster on Wednesday, 67-3.
So far, the wrestling season has consisted of long Saturday tournaments, late night duals, and many victories. Recently, Rangeview’s varsity team came in 2nd at the Raider Varsity/JV Classic home tournament last Saturday.
“I think the wrestling team is progressing. Each match, I see they’re refining their technique and getting better,” said coach Corby. “I still think our defense against takedowns is an area that we have to work on.”
The wrestlers are constantly working to improve their skills in practice every day. Looking up at the wrestling room in the evenings, the windows are fogged from sweat as the boys practice techniques and condition.
“As a team, I think we’re doing great. We work hard in practice everyday and improve, and you can see the payoff in every match,” said senior captain Jah Mujib.
This week, the team had three duals in a row: Westminster on Wednesday, Hinkley on Thursday, and again

At Heritage on Friday. Raiders beat the Wolves 67-3 and the Thunderbirds 50-15.
Senior Diondre Johnson said, “We dominated our last two matches, hands down. We showed that we
wanted to win more than the other teams.”
Coach Corby always says that as the season progresses, the wrestlers become more serious; the matches get harder as wrestlers get more in shape and as regionals approach.
The Heritage match will be in the Rangeview gym this Friday the 13th at 6pm.