Feature Photo By: Izzy Honey – Senior captain Deron Solomon wrestles against his opponent from Hinkley High School. Solomon’s record this year is 32-4.
This last Thursday, Rangeview’s wrestling team competed against Central High School and Vista Peak High School in the APS Championships. With two wins, the team claimed their title as the APS champions and brought home the trophy .
Head coach Corby said, “The APS Wrestling Championship on Thursday was very exciting. I thought we dominated against Central. We were ready and warmed-up to wrestle. Against Vista Peak in the second match, it was a little bit more of a chess match. We really had to have a strategy to win the dual match.”
The last dual of the night came down to the final two matches. The teams were neck and neck, but after Sean Hackworth (11) and Diondre Johnson’s (12) victories, the win for Rangeview was decided.

“Final score: 41- Rangeview, 23- Vista Peak,” stated Corby. “The trophy was ours and there was no question.”
The Central and Vista Peak matches were the last home matches of the wrestling season. Since it was also senior night, the wrestlers were eager to show the rivals schools their skills.
“I felt that as a team we were not only physically prepared, but mentally prepared as well,” said varsity wrestler Bryan Fierro(11).
The fans in the stands felt the excitement from the team and cheered for the boys as they wrestled against their opponents.
Crowd member Grace Kochman (11) commented, “[There were] some really intense matches at the end. The crowd was going insane.”
Coming up next week, the team will be going to Cherokee Trail High School on the 10th and 11th to compete in the 5A Regional Competition. This tournament will determine which wrestlers will move on to compete in the CHSAA State Championships.