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The Rangeview Raider Review

The Student Media site of Rangeview High School

The Rangeview Raider Review

The Rangeview Raider Review

About Us


The Raider Review student Editorial Board has final say in the content of the publications. The advisers advise. The students make the decisions.
The advisers will not act as a censor or have final say in determining the content of the media unless it is in clear violation of The Colorado Student Free Expression Law; the advisers will teach journalistic skills and guide the students in making sound legal and ethical decisions. The publications advisers are the faculty members who teach the journalism courses and advise the publications.
Per the Colorado Student Free Expression Law, district and school officials, administration or faculty and staff, likewise, shall not practice prior restraint nor have the ability to censor any student media, with the exception of material deemed to be legally obscene, libelous, substantially and materially disruptive.
The following content is not authorized in any student publication in any way, shape, or form:
1. Expression which is obscene;
2. Expression which is libelous, slanderous, or defamatory under state law;
3. Expression which is false as to any person who is not a public figure or involved in a matter of public concern; or
4. Expression which creates a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts (as defined by state or federal law) or the material and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school or which violates the rights to others’ privacy or that threatens violence to property or persons.
Letters to the editor are welcome and encouraged, but will only be published if they are accompanied by a name and signature. Letters should be short and free of “bashing” or obscenity. Letters to the editor do not reflect the views of the media staff. The staff reserves the right to edit letters for potentially libelous material. The staff will not edit letters for punctuation, grammar and usage. Letters with issues will be returned to the submitter for further review.
In the event of error (omission, misidentification, etc.) the Editorial Board will attempt to mitigate the damage. Every reasonable precaution is made in avoiding errors, but some amount of error is perhaps inevitable. Each case will be evaluated on its own merit. The Editorial Board welcomes questions, comments, concerns, and complaints.
The Raider Review reserves the right to refuse any advertising not found to be within the publication’s standards, particularly in reference to good taste and to product and/or services that are illegal for the majority of high school readers.
Reporters for The Raider Review will always identify themselves as functioning in that capacity before an interview or a survey. It is not our intention to catch people in embarrassing or misleading questions. The editors reserve the right to correct gross grammatical errors in quotations, if the source’s meaning will be distorted without such editing. Otherwise, quotations will be reported as stated by sources.
Sources will not be allowed to read the final text of any story published by The Review prior to publication. Reporters may read back quotations to sources, and will follow up with sources who wish to supplement their initial interviews. They will also follow up on anything that may be unclear or needs further explanation or comment before use in a story. The Editorial Board will consider the relative experience of the source in dealing with the press in each case. The Review reporters will seek truth and accuracy above all else.
Sources may wish to have their names withheld from a particular story, and some may have valid reasons for this. The Editorial Board will decide on a case- by-case basis whether anonymity may be granted to protect the source. The Board recognizes that a high school is a very confined community of young people, and that some topics, while important to the community, may involve public embarrassment and official sanctions if names are printed. If the only way to tell an important story is to grant anonymity, The Editorial Board may consider it, along with an explanation to the audience to why the anonymity was granted.

All material published by The Raider Review is copyrighted to The Raider Review.