Feature photo by: Amor-Leigh Wilson – The Rangeview poms team competed at leagues Wednesday November 7th. To find out more information about RHS sports click here.
Rangeview’s very own cheer team will be competing in the state competition today at 5pm at the Denver Coliseum.
Recently, they placed 2nd in their league competition.
Senior varsity cheerleader Maya Anderson says, “I feel really good going into state. The team has been working really hard and practicing every day. I’m excited to perform and show off the skills we’ve been practicing.”
Some say they have seen cheer tirelessly working and practicing in the commons.
“I think we just want to go out and prove to ourselves that our hard work will pay off in the end,” says Anderson.
Rangeview varsity poms will be competing tomorrow at the Denver Coliseum at state at 11:36 am.

Coach Katie Termeer says, “Our goal is to be consistent, do our best, hit a higher score than out past scores then other competitions. My ultimate goal for the team because I know they are capable of it, is I want top five.”
The team won first place at league last year and this year, then went on to place 9th at state last year. Around 1993 was the last time Rangeview placed higher than 3rd in poms at state, Termeer said.
Termeer says, “We’re approximately 25 years later that we’ve not been in top five, and that’s what I’m gunning for with the talent of this team.”
Termeer has high hopes for the ladies and is shooting for all top spots tomorrow when it comes to technique, musicality, sportsmanship, etc. as she believes the girls have the potential.
Termeer says the top three teams to beat are probably Thunder Ridge High School, Cherry Creek High School, and Grandview High School at state.
Junior pom Marcella Nguyen says, “Going into state is a little scary but exciting. Our goal is to show our potential and how much we’ve grown. As long as we go out there and do our best then we will have no regrets.”

The team has a positive mindset going into the competition, but it does not stop them from looking out for stiff competition.
“Cherokee Trails we came really close to… we know how talented they are,” says Termeer. “The team has studied the art of dance and what it takes to be the best, with this knowledge the poms team will try their best to represent the school the best way possible.”
Nguyen believes that state is another chance for her team to do what they love: dance.
Rangeview cheer and pom will find out this weekend if they are truly the best around, as many say.