Possibility of Late Start Mondays at Rangeview


Student sleeping on desk during class (Photo Credit – Joslyn Bowman)

Lolita Angelcheva, News Editor

COVID-19 keeps growing at heinous rates in APS, which has resulted in a discussion of the  possibility of late start Monday’s. Harsh mask mandates, and overall systems have been administered to keep students safe in the classrooms, but there is still the danger of students getting each other sick. Vaccination rates are also slowly growing among APS, but there is still a high rate of children quartentining around the city. This has caused the district to keep their ongoing conversation of solutions afloat, and rumors have started spreading. 


The Raider Review has learned that APS is working on a late start Monday. This could mean shorter class times and a later starting time for students on Mondays.


This measure is not remotely set in stone and needs to be finalized by the district. Superintendent Rico Munn would need to obtain a waiver from CDE to move forward on this plan, but there allowed. 


This is a great opportunity for Rangeview High School because it will give students and staff more time to make sure they are protecting their classrooms and theirselves. When asked about the possibility of late Mondays, Senior Kaoutar Elaoudi spoke more on the issue. “I think that it would be amazing. I would be able to sleep in and not have to worry about being tired in class. I would also be more prepared for classwork and just overall life.” 


This is not official, but there is a good possibility it will happen. More will be announced later in November, so for now students and administrators have to sit patiently and wait for news. 


On November 19th, Aurora Public Schools Superintendent Rico Munn sent out an email to all APS staff members stating that late starts are official. In the email, where he thanked the attendees at the recent district listening session, Munn stated that in person learning is the best way to keep students engaged in their schoolwork. “One of our key lessons learned in reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic is that: Engagement and communication is more effective when it is direct, ongoing and dynamic.” He then went on to speak about the next steps for the district. 


“Starting in January, we will be instituting late-start Mondays for students. Staff will be expected to report at their normal time on these days. We have applied for and been granted a special waiver by CDE to allow one hour of planning, collaborative structures, professional learning communities or other professional learning time for staff at the beginning of the day on Mondays.” 


This does not come as a surprise to students and parents, especially because of the intense rules that the district has put in place in order to mitigate the virus already. Students are ecstatic to hear that they get to have extra time in the mornings.

Staff are still obligated to come in on regular times, which could cause possible havoc on their stress. Parents might also be put under some stress depending on their schedule and how much it conflicts with dropping their kids off.

The situation is still brand new, so not a lot of information can be said. However, it is prevalent that APS is trying to help students and make sure that everyone is safe in the midst of COVID-19.