Smithereens By Joji

Cover art of Jojis album Smithereens

Cover art of Joji’s album Smithereens

Sariah Williams, A&E Reporter

I genuinely want to start sobbing. This album is Magnificent. Joji’s album Smithereens dropped on November 3, 2022, at midnight. Now I completely forgot that an album was even coming out but after listening to the album… and then listening to it again…and again….and again, I discovered that this album is perfect. I haven’t heard an album where I loved every song immediately in a VERY long time. There are 2 discs on the album, the first disc has 5 tracks and the second disc has 4 tracks, making 9 total tracks.

Disc one-

  • Glimpse of us
  • Feeling like the end
  • Die for you
  • Before the day is over
  • Dissolving 

Disc two-