Letter from the Editor: Black Lives Matter


Black. Lives. Matter.

Jayah Caley, Editor-in-Chief

Raider Review Audience,

My name is Jayah Caley and I will be serving as one of this year’s Editor-in-Chiefs of the Raider Review as well as the Student Body President. This year has brought many new challenges and experiences: COVID-19, online learning, block schedules, and the current spotlight on systemic racism that infiltrates America. 

With such pressing times, I want to remind our audience of our mission statement: The Raider Review exists to raise awareness in the Rangeview community about important issues and to advocate for the voiceless in our community, ensuring we give students a platform to communicate and express their world views in an effort to make sure our diversity continues to unite us, not divide us.

To our black demographic of students and viewers, we hear you, we see you, and we are going to do our best to accurately put out news that informs rather than divides, opinions supported by fact, listen to learn, and most importantly, amplify melanated voices. 

Black Lives Matter. Black lives matter at Rangeview High School and as a publication, we will do our best to advocate for every student at Rangeview. 

The Raider Review will be covering the Black Lives Matter movement on multiple facets. We want to provide a safe space to learn more about social issues and injustices that have a great effect on many of us, our families, our friends, and our nation. 

We ask you, the reader of the Review, to approach all stories with an open mind, to show compassion, understanding, and care for those willing to put their own thoughts and beliefs out for the world. 


Below there are multiple articles, social media influencers, and ways to begin your own personal quest into expanding your knowledge and understanding: 

Be a part of the movement


If you have any questions, concerns, or want a platform to express your own opinions please email me @[email protected]