Feature Photo By: Amor-Leigh Wilson – Senior Lauren Graff talks in the pool with teammate sophomore Irene Kim during a swim practice. The girls swim team won against their biggest competitor, Brighton High School, on November 29th.
Senior Lauren Graff is one of three captains for this year’s 2018-19 swim season here at Rangeview High School. This is Graff’s second year in a row being voted captain by the RHS lady swimmers and divers. Graff is said to be very positive, an admiral swimmer, and great person in general.
Graff has an extensive history with swimming. She has been on a swim team since she was 6-years-old and has been in the water since mommy/daddy and me classes as an infant.
“From doing it at such a young age, it became the only sport I really had a passion for,” said Graff.
Swimming is more than a sport for Graff, it drives her daily life.
During the summers Graff is at the pool lifeguarding, during the school swim season she is in the pool leading with passion and drive as many say. Graff is always helping where she can and smiling through it all.
Graff is said to have had a great influence on the people she swims with every day.

Sophomore Marissa Chambers said, “I love swimming with Lauren, she is always super nice and supportive of our team.”
Last year, the RHS lady swim team went undefeated 11-0 in the league, taking the first league win Graff as a captain. This is the first time ever in Rangeview history that RHS won league in swimming.
Graff mentioned how proud she was of the outcome from last season and is really optimistic about this upcoming season. Lauren is hoping to go to state again as she did last year. She says that there is a lot of talent on the team this year and a lot of girls, which she believes will be an advantage.
Graff said, “I really just want to bring positivity to the team and make it feel like a family, to support each other and help each other grow as not only swimmers but individuals.”
Specifically, Graff’s hopes for this season are for the team to again go undefeated, win league, go to state, and hopefully even break one of the school records in their medley relay.
Sophomore Marissa Chambers said, “My favorite memory of Lauren would have to be at our poster-making bonding the night before our intrasquad meet … we turned on JustDance and she did the first dance.”
Chambers referred to the bonding as a great welcoming experience for the freshmen.
Freshman Jayla Collins said, “Swimming with Lauren is amazing, I’ve never had a captain for the four years I’ve been swimming. She is such a lovely friend, she’s so kind.”
Graff and the RHS swimmers had their first meet of the season on Thursday, November 29th where they beat rival competitor: Brighton High School.
With this being Graff’s last year, she’s looking forward to the season swimming in multiple events.