March Madness

Every March, America forgets their classes and jobs, pouring their collective brainpower into analyzing the top basketball colleges men and women’s teams into a beautifully designed bracket that Leonardo would have loved. Year after year its popularity never wanes. Over 10.5 million people tune in at some point to watch March Madness and a estimate of 36.5 million people filling out the brackets. The crazy thing about these brackets is half the time its more about luck and guessing then looking at the stats and building from there. With the stats being a little less important and it taking just one game to break your whole bracket. This year the sports desk made brackets and placed their bets to dive more into why March Madness matters.

Sports Writer Ray Ray Men’s Basketball Bracket
Sports Editor Avery Men’s Basketball Bracket
Sports Editor Avery Women’s Bracket
Sports Writer Jake Men’s Bracket
Journalist Teacher Sobes Men’s Bracket
Sports Writer Taliyah Men’s Bracket
Sports Writer Taliyah Women’s Bracket